Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Day In The Life

I have has so many friends asking me what this learning together at home thing looks like that I am going to try to put a bunch of photos up from our days.  I am not great and remembering to take pictures all the time so I won't get everything, but maybe this will help.

Koala Crate from Kiwi Co.

Making Apple Pie from a recipe in the book Pie by Sarah Weeks

Making Soap from Doodle Crate by Kiwi Co.

Using Lego design paper to make a Lego set to enter for a Lego competition online

Programming a game on Scratch

"Reading" with hands and feet :)

Piano with Hoffman Academy online

Working on Latin with book Getting Started with Latin

Brainstorm of Special Projects we all want to work on during this "Extra Time." Please e
xcuse the spelling mess it was a quick brainstorm.

5 year old's writing and number work

Books we read

Mommy can we make cupcakes
Instead of my normal, "cupcakes are really for birthdays" response I said, Yes!

I love this picture because the side of 6 timetables flash cards my 8 year old was using and the nail polish my 5 year old was using are there too because that's just how it is, its all in there- mix and stir.  

Zoom chat with friends

And they ended their day with a zoom chat with friends from our co-op that we would usually see.  The kids all shared projects they had been up to music they made, Scratch projects, pets and just laughed and played around with this new format of connecting.  

We of course did many more things too but this was what I managed to capture in photos.  I will try to post more over the next few days.  

How about you what do your days look like?  Post photos and words and in the comments below.

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